The Challenges of Change

best milk

Well, no.

You are clearly not out of stock!

Before I get into this post, I know I’m cheating. This isn’t about coffee. It isn’t about golf.

It is about the best milk on the planet.

Hokkaido milk.

If you ever run across it, get it.

These are magic cows.

One of my new dreams is to make a visit to Hokkaido, Japan to thank them.

The Challenges of Change

So let’s get into the topic. One of my main grocery stores decide that remodeling would be a smart play. Thus, the change.

I came across this issue, the other day, when I had to abandon my shopping because I had no idea where anything was.

Yes, I did get some things.

But not all the things.

I knew that I would have to go on an adventure and walk through every aisle.

Why, because everything has moved and for some reason my mind needs to know where everything is because it certainly remembers where it was, before this change.

Sometimes my brain is a gift.

Other times it is a task.

I can pat myself on the back.

I made it all the way through and now I can go to sleep without worrying about where things are in that damn grocery story.

If you can relate, I’m giving you a hug.

If you can’t relate, I’m judging you.

How do you handle change?

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